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NDIS Exercise Physiology Wollongong


Have you ever tried to start an exercise program to increase strength or improve mobility, or just get healthier, but found that you just didn’t achieve your goals or get the support you needed?

Do you know that you can include exercise physiology services into your management plan to assist you in achieving your goals and health outcomes, utilising the expert advice of university qualified exercise professionals to achieve your goals?

What is an exercise physiologist?

Exercise physiologists are allied health professionals who are university qualified to design, deliver, and evaluate safe and effective exercise interventions for people with acute, sub-acute and chronic medical conditions, injuries or disabilities.

How Exercise Physiology Can Help You Achieve Your Health Goals:

Exercise Physiology is highly recommended for you as part of your NDIS Plan if you are living with a disability and:

  • the disability makes it hard to maintain good health and wellbeing

  • you are at increased risk of developing or already have an existing condition that impairs your physical movement

  • your management plan goals relate to moving independently, maintaining mobility, building strength or fitness and even participation in community sports!

What can I request for Exercise Physiology funding for?

Exercise Physiology services can be utilised to improve function through muscles that have become inactive or weaker as a result of disability. The types of services exercise physiology can provide is extensive, from one on one programs, clinic based treatment, exercise programs and hydrotherapy.

How can I utilise NDIS funding for Exercise Physiology?

Within the NDIS Support Catalogue, Exercise Physiology is now included in:

1. Improved health and wellbeing

2.Improved daily living

This now has created more opportunity, choice and control for NDIS participants. Exercise Physiology is considered separate to other allied health services such as physiotherapy. Services included are assessments, exercise therapy sessions (one-to-one, home exercise programs, group sessions and community programs), training of family and support workers, and exercise equipment prescription.

How do I get started?

Start with your NDIS Plan Meeting with your appropriate Support Coordinator – ensure that your requested support is ‘reasonable and necessary’ in order to be funded. This means making sure that your goals align with your support services.

Next find a Provider that provides the necessary services to help you achieve your goals. Obviously if you are in the Illawarra we recommend our specialist team from either Wollongong or Warrawong, or if you are agency-managed, you can also find a local provider here.

Now that you have a little more information on how to get started, don’t let the motivation slip and take action to start your health journey now!

At Prescribe Exercise our Exercise Physiologists are committed to bringing you the best and highest level of care to help you with your NDIS Plan goals. If you are interested to learn more about our services and how we can help you, can call us on (02) 4259 0384 or email:

Looking to get started or need more info, get in contact with the Prescribe Exercise team on (02) 4259 0384 or click the BOOK NOW link

Post Created By Shane - Accredited Exercise Physiologist.

Prescribe Exercise are your local exercise physiology specialists. We provide exercise physiology services that are personalised to target the goals you would like to achieve. Our services will be designed to be safe, enjoyable, and easy to practice on your own, or with help from your support people. Want to book in for Exercise Physiology Wollongong or Warrawong head on over to our online bookings CLICK HERE

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